Turboslow agency offered AR experiences through QR codes on the signs. Visitors scanned the codes with their smartphones and interacted with NFTs in augmented reality.
When does a dream start, an where does it end? Aren’t dreams real or, is waking life made of dreams Am I awake? Am I dreaming? Whose dream am I in? You know, we could have closed the door and slept like the others, despite the cities engulfed by the fire. At dawn, we could have watched the dream drape the mind like a frog, descending on mutants frozen by the smoke. In the end, aren’t the dreams to forget what we cant remember and to remember what we cant forget. This is the Mobius loop, the unfathomable closing in on waking life. I am asleep, awake; I am in a dream.
Curated by Işıl Ezgi Çelik, the dream brings together the following artists share their dreams in the cyberspace; Eric Collins, Vesna Petresin, Olga Klimovitskaya Joa Heikkinen, Johanna rummel, Jekein